Where: Mahatma Phule Madhyamik Ashramschool, Katgun Block, Khatav, Dist. Satara

What: Building a wall compound around the school
Students of Mahatma Phule Madhyamik Ashramshala, Katgun, Block, Khatav, Dist. Satara had made an application to Grampanchayat Katgun regarding building a wall compound around their school. The school premises belonged to Grampanchayat Katgun and was being used by school on lease basis. Students had attached copies of Right to Education Act 2009 which mandates every school premises to have wall compound around it.
The application was submitted in month of January and was followed up for couple of months by students. The Grampanchayat Katgun used Rs. 1,21,000/- from the budget and got the school much awaited wall.
The above story has been written and published with the explicit consent of the individual involved. All facts presented are based on WTPA's direct interaction with the individual, ensuring accuracy and integrity in our reporting.