The Scheduled Caste Residential Ashramschool run by Social Welfare Ministry, Maharashtra in Mohida, Block Shahada, Dist. Nandurbar chose to work on issue of scarce drinking water. The school has students from 6th to 10th std. studying and living in the hostel. The first issue chosen by students was of drinking water. The school faced scarcity of drinking water in their premises. Though it has a tube well, the groundwater in the location is all hard water and need to be put into water filters before drinking it. Water filters had not been in working condition since some months. This was direct violation of article -21 (Right to life) in the Constitution of India. The first application submitted by students was to Grampanchayat Mohida asking for a separate waterline for drinking water. The Sarpanch and other gram panchayat members interacted with students and showed them the correspondence between Grampanchayat and the other government offices demanding appropriate sources for drinking water to villagers. The whole village currently relies on hard water that is available to them through tube wells.
As the students could not see an immediate permanent solution to address their issue, they held a meeting with warden and school principal asking for repair of water filters. The two water filters had remained closed for long time. Taking cognizance of the application made by the students, one water filter was repaired and was put to use again by the school authorities.
The above story has been written and published with the explicit consent of the individual involved. All facts presented are based on WTPA's direct interaction with the individual, ensuring accuracy and integrity in our reporting.